Aniexty is so common! 

So while I was away I turned 30yrs old. Yayyy to me 🙂 I came back from a trip to Fl and I left my iPad aka my baby on the plane. When I got home I realized and I totally freaked out!!! That what I believe set it off. In the coming days I began to feel weak and off balance. I didn’t know what was wrong, I saw a few doctors and they all said I’m healthy. The thing that really disturbed me was the rapid heartbeat  n the uneasiness I felt. After a while I figured out that it was the monster Anxiety! It’s a very scary thing if you never felt the feeling or had a attack before! It really feels like you’re dying or having a stroke or something. So once I got that under control I began to get back into the swing of things and learning how to relax my body. If anyone knows what this feels like you understand and for those who never dealt with it be thankful. Day by day I’m ok I’ve gotten past it it can still pop up now n then. 

Just happy to be able to share that with everyone. There’s always going to be something that shakes you up but the real test is to keep moving forward! 



It’s natural to want to share certain things with people especially exciting news but we must learn to hold it in for a while. You ever noticed once you shared good news to people something goes wrong??? Well if you have it’s do to negative energy. Like it or not Not everyone will  be happy to hear about your happiness! So once in a while keep things to yourself  until everything is in order. 


Wide awake…Im off today…feels like an ice cream day

Signing Off




I should be getting ready for work but still I’m laying here with my ipad and don’t feel like moving. I’m thinking screw work today! That’s why I can’t be a full time worker it sucks. Everyday is the same thing Get Up, Get Ready, Work, Eat Lunch, See Ppl You Can’t Stand, Then Leave. I much rather work for myself and I will! 

Lesson :” Always do what you love instead of wasting time in a place you rather not be…It’s your life TAKE CONTROL” -Agirlsvoice

getting up…needs ice coffee..lazy

Signing Off


I swear I get so upset sometimes and I mean flaming mad and then after a while I’m over it. And I honestly wish I could be upset about things a little longer but I can’t. That should be a good thing right? I’m not satisfied with being normal and calm after like and hour. Geez

I’m blessed and cursed with a very upbeat n positive attitude.

Signing Off (annoyed )

Fashion Statement!!!!!

Gold 2 chain headpiece

Its a great piece of accessory that makes your outfit look good for any event! 

Come Check it out just click the link below: Girlish Jewels


My new Best Friend

It happened so fast but as soon as I got a hold of it I fell in love.

Its comforts me when I’m alone, bored, happy etc…

where would I be without  your company

Life is great Thank You 

lol My Pal

But seriously its one of the best purchases I’ve ever made!

More then Just A Silly Crush

I met a guy thru some friends and I’ve neverforgot him ever since but the obstacles prevent us from going any further. I mean I get it but damn it I think I Love Him! (sigh) what’s a girl to do or not do? Why does the world work in these crazy ways? Im trying to forget him and move on….I need a 12 step program Lol